Legal Notice

Updated as of October 1st, 2024


The website (hereinafter "the SITE") is published by the company LiveMeUp (hereinafter "the COMPANY").

Company Name: LiveMeUp, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €78,732.20, registered with the Commercial and Companies Registry of Lille Métropole under number 895 234 797.

Registered Office: 8 allée des Charmes, 59420 Mouvaux, France

Email Address:

Editor of the SITE: Guillaume Faure, President of LiveMeUp.

Hosting of the SITE: Webflow Inc, with its registered office at 398 11th Street, 94103 San Francisco, United States, reachable by email at the following address:


"GTC" refers to these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the COMPANY's SITE.

"USER" refers to any internet user, whether a customer of the COMPANY or not, who has access to the SITE.


The COMPANY publishes the SITE, which relates to its activity, including a Live Commerce solution with a mobile application for professionals, developed by the COMPANY.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use aim to govern access to and the terms of use of the SITE.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use may be modified based on the commercial environment in which the SITE's purpose is framed and in accordance with current regulations.

Any modification of the General Terms and Conditions of Use will be published on the SITE with a mention of the update date.


In the context of these GTC, the COMPANY may collect personal data from USERS and undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations on the processing of personal data, particularly the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, known as the "GDPR."

The COMPANY processes personal data through the use of cookies available on the SITE.

In this regard, it may collect personal data from USERS.

The collected data are subject to computer processing and are kept for the duration of the processing of the request. They are automatically deleted after the end of the necessary processing, or, if not, within 3 months.

The collected data are intended for the relevant and authorized services of the COMPANY and its providers, solely for the aforementioned purpose, which is the commercial and marketing management of the COMPANY's Site.

The COMPANY implements technical and organizational security measures to protect this personal data against alterations, destruction, and unauthorized access.

The USER has the right to access their data, the right to rectify or delete them, the right to limit the processing of personal data, the right to data portability, and the right to object to processing due to a specific situation, as well as the right to object to commercial prospecting. Finally, the USER has the right to define directives regarding the fate of their personal data after their death and to lodge a complaint with the CNIL supervisory authority at the following address: 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

These rights can be exercised with the COMPANY by sending an email along with a copy of identification to the following address:


The SITE may use various cookies that allow for the storage of information on the USER's device or access to information already stored.

The USER has full control over their cookie access preferences through the COMPANY's cookie management table.


The COMPANY shall not be held liable, in any case, towards the USER or any third party for any direct or indirect damages that may occur in connection with the use of the SITE, including SITE unavailability, download delays, data non-transmission, SITE inaccessibility, intrusions, data hacking, software, and files infected with computer viruses.

The USER acknowledges being aware of the nature of the Internet, especially its technical performance, response times for consulting, querying, or transferring data, and the vulnerability resulting from internet access. The USER remains solely responsible for all operations carried out through the SITE, which they do at their own risk.

Therefore, the USER takes all necessary measures to ensure that their connection methods enable them to effectively and efficiently use the SITE. In this regard, the USER shall immediately inform the COMPANY of any malfunctions and/or failures encountered on the SITE, which they undertake not to disrupt the proper functioning of.


The content of the SITE is a work of the mind within the meaning of Article L. 112-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

The COMPANY is the exclusive owner of industrial property rights and copyright relating to the content of the SITE. This includes rights to logos, icons, images, photographs, videos, texts, graphics, software, sounds, plans, trademarks, various protectable creations and works, databases, etc. The COMPANY also holds intellectual property rights over all products displayed on its SITE, particularly the application it develops.

Therefore, any representation, reproduction, or adaptation of all or part of this SITE by any means without the COMPANY's consent constitutes infringement of the COMPANY's rights and is strictly prohibited.


The COMPANY's SITE may offer or be the subject of hypertext links.

The SITE may offer advertisements from third-party providers and links to other websites. These links are provided for informational purposes only. The COMPANY does not conduct any prior control examination of these websites and disclaims any responsibility for any damages that may result from consulting the information on these websites. The activation of these links is the full and sole responsibility of the USER.

No hypertext link may be created to the SITE without the prior and express consent of the COMPANY. If a USER wishes to create a hypertext link to the SITE from their own website, regardless of the medium, they must contact the COMPANY in advance by sending an email to the following address:


These GTC are written in French and subject to French law, regardless of the USER's country of residence, unless otherwise mandatory provisions arise from Regulation 593/2008 of June 17, 2008, known as Rome I.

In the event of a dispute, the USER has the option to resort to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method. In the absence of an amicable agreement, the French jurisdiction will be the only competent one.

© 2024 Made by LiveMeUp