Top 3 use cases for live video commerce

Coming straight from China, live video commerce phenomenon hit businesses in Europe during the health crisis. According to “Le blog du Modérateur”, live shopping has quickly made his way into the Chinese market, with a growth rate of 280% between 2017 and 2020. A rate that is 10 times higher than traditional online shopping. According to a study from Mckinsey, 70% of European consumers are interested in live video commerce to buy products from brands on a live platform, including 67% in France. Cosmetics is one of the most exploited fields in live stream. Here are 3 brands for which live video commerce has been a growth driver.

Pê hosts a marathon of lives

From January 20 to 22, 2023, Pê tokk part in the annual fishing show, a show that welcomes fishing enthusiasts and lovers. After a two-year break, the shows are back with new products, exchanges, and above all laughter! Pê's goal was to perform a marathon of live streaming during these 3 days in order to share a moment with the consumers who could not go to the show.

The hosts have been using live video commerce for several months now, and they quickly got the hang of our digital solution. The challenge for this show was to use live video in a new environment, in the heart of an event where the unpredictable can happen (being interrupted in live by "real" customers for example) to showcase different products. This is the benefit of our solution, everything is online! You can live stream from anywhere since all you need is a smartphone, a computer and a good internet connection. 

Back to Pêcheur: the schedule is busy, during three days and every hour, Pê will introduce its different products: from the favorites to the must-haves with interviews with experts from different companies.

As Pêcheur has been using our solution for several months, he is aware of the time he needs to set up his live video commerce but he also knows that this content can be reused on his website and on his social networks. This strategy will allow him to benefit from the many advantages of live video commerce, such as improving his engagement rate and giving his community an outstanding experience! That's why offering live video commerce is not just about broadcasting a livestream. Thanks to the Live me up solution, this content automatically provides a replay that your audience can watch at any time and on which it is also possible to buy products. 

Live video commerce is considered a real interactive opportunity for companies that have grown online: they can now make the shopping experience similar to the one in a on-site store. Pêcheur is the perfect example! The two founders do not have a physical store and sells only through its website. Live video commerce will allow them to break the virtual barrier with the help of a live video that will increase interactions and exchanges with the brand's consumers.

Pêcheur in numbers :

Pêcheur has reached up to 60 viewers in live stream and over 100 users in replay. With the Live me up platform, Pêcheur achieves 80% of sales in replay.

Thanks to live video commerce, your conversion rate can increase up to 30% while this same figure would not exceed 3% on a traditional sales channel! 

If you have an ecommerce site, you can offer this unique experience to your audience to stand out from the competition. Pêcheur's asset was its ability to be innovative and to speak in public. Indeed, if Live me up supports you in the realization of your live video commerce, the two founders did not wait to test new strategies to showcase live products to their audience!

Ama trains you and invites herself in your kitchen through live

Ama Pâtissière offers a new concept in France available exclusively on its ecommerce site! The brand provides boxes to make its own homemade cakes, to delight its customers! In the Ama box, you will find handmade cookies of the right size, an ingredient already transformed by hand (without preservatives or additives) and some pastry materials.Some examples of its emblematic cakes:

  • Merveilleux 
  • Mille-feuille
  • Raspberry 
  • Raspberry Charlotte

Live video commerce quickly became an obvious choice for Ama when its ambition was to convert the most reluctant into real pastry chefs. The brand's challenge was to support its community in the use of these boxes and to give them a new experience. Indeed, this target lacked follow-up and tutorials to be properly initiated online.  The live video commerce was then the perfect solution to use its products. Its objective was to reassure its customers by guiding them to show that its offer was fast and easy to use thanks to live shopping.

In addition, Véziane, founder of Ama Pâtissière, wanted to increase traffic on her website: more visits, more engagement and more sales! Thanks to the live chat, the livestreaming sessions were able to answer all the questions asked by her customers. For the most adventurous people, the live video commerce allowed them to take part in an event in their kitchen to bake the different cakes she offers at the same time as the founder, during a moment of exchange and sharing of experience online! Ama now shines humanly in all the kitchens of its customers! 

The brand's ambition was to communicate tutorials on how to make its cakes. Thanks to the live video commerce solution, it's a wrap! Live me up offers in its second plan a replay which is generated at the end of the live video commerce, so that its audience can watch the live shopping and make the cakes as many times as they want.

This is an appealing concept for customers: immediate answers, visible and understandable baking gestures thanks to this video support. Through its live streaming, Ama wants to show the imperfections of homemade cakes and demonstrate that social networks are not reality.

Ama's unique concept is broadcast on a fast-growing sales channel, the live stream, which significantly increases its awareness and conversion rate as it keeps communicating on its social networks: Facebook and Instagram. 

Ama's key figures :

Thanks to the increase in its traffic, its live shopping page is the second most visited page on its ecommerce site with a conversion rate increased by 2 times from this page! 

Oden the reference brand in the field of cosmetics

Oden is a French brand which offers a range of essential oils based on plants grown in France. 

The brand wanted to renew itself by positioning on a new channel in order to attract more traffic to its ecommerce site. The live video commerce appeared as a great opportunity for Oden.

Indeed, the brand was already very active on social networks: Facebook and Instagram were useful to animate its community and offer live streaming on this platform. However, doing live streaming on social networks was unsatisfying. So Live me up seemed to be a more appropriate solution to her needs.

Moreover, the dashboard, displaying the live shopping statistics, allowed the brand to implement new marketing and digital strategies to increase traffic on its ecommerce site: engage its audience and boost its business. After seeing the many benefits of live video commerce, the brand can go even further and invite an influencer to present her favorites online! 

Now, the brand regularly offers live video commerce on various themes to reach a large audience and increase the engagement of its audience. To notify its viewers, the brand communicates in advance on its social networks (Facebook and Instagram) the time and date of its next shopping lives, which allows it to ensure a better profitability: a higher number of viewers and validated baskets.

Indeed, your live video commerce strategy must be supported by a solid communication but it also depends on the products and the topics discussed during your livestreaming which are, or not, of interest to your customers! 

Oden in a few figures :

Oden has 9 times more viewers in replays than in live and has increased its sales considerably since its first live! 

With Live me up, get 30 days free to boost your engagement with live shopping.